Magic spells We all need friends in life. From our weekend parties to sudden holidays to unplanned movie dates to sharing our tragic breakup to dancing in glory after graduation- we need friends at every step. Wise was the person who said “life is incomplete without friends”. However, the irony is we are all not that lucky to have true friends on life. Even when we get them, minor problems and misunderstandings might spoil the relationship for worse. But we certainly can’t let that happen. Friendship is to Magic spells be treasured and cherish forever and this is where the real friendship spells would be handy.
These friendship spells serve several purposes. One good use of real friendship spells is to help you in finding and making true friends for life magic spells. Then, friendship spells are also great to clear misunderstandings and solve fights between two friends.
One of the best real friendship spells is the one that helps you to attain everlasting friendship. To do the spell, you would need Magic spell flower petals, white candle, sugar, red candle, 2 glass bottles & your special friend. Start the ritual by lighting the two candles. You have to perform the ritual with your friend beside you. Both of you will light one candle each. Then, you will prepare the bottles individually. Fill your own with sugar and petals and tell your friend to do the same with her own bottle. Now, face them towards one another and chant the spell. The spell would be a vow to protect your everlasting bond forever. Then, exchange the bottles which symbolize both you passing on your love for the other and also trust kindness and forgiveness. After you are done with the exchange, blow out both the candles.
The real friends spells are not just about growing friendship and securing your bond. These spells also enable you to help your friend in need. After all that’s what friendship is for- we all know a friend in need is a true friend. One such spell would be about sending some good luck to a friend. It could be that your bestie is passing Magic spells through a bad phase at the moment and in dire need of some good wishes from a well wisher. In such situations, your spell would be a bliss for your friend.
To do the good luck spell for your friend, you would need- one candle, water and bowl. Place your candle in bowl & pour water inside the bowl. Then, light up the candle & chant the spell. It would be a prayer to angels to help your friend in her crisis.
As mentioned earlier, there are friendship spells to help to attract new friends in life. To do the spell, you would need-three brown candles, paper and pen. Light up the candles. Then, list down the different attributes you wish to see in your friend on the paper. Read all the attributes aloud. Then, make a double fold with your paper. Light up a side of the paper & chant the spell. It will be a prayer to attract a new friend in life. Then, burn the paper & snuff the candles out.-