In today’s tumultuous world, every individual working wants to have a weekend off, somewhere into the wild or the hillside. Camping is an excellent recreation activity to try if you are in the mood for some tranquil yet tinge of mischief. Camping also has multiple health benefits. From stress reduction to exposure to fresh air, campings is a must-try activity. Today, you will also find dedicated campers exploring different zones of nature. However, if you are an amateur camper and this is your first take with camping, shopping for necessary outdoor gear is the first thing to set your eyes on.
What to buy?
According to a survey from 2020, Aussies spent around 58.7 million nights in caravans and camping tents. Understanding where to start from and end can be pretty tricky, especially if you never own a pair of outdoor pants or a camping tent at home. To begin with, you will have to make a camping checklist that will include the things you must carry. However, here are four outdoor gear essentials for a quick read, without which you cannot camp,
Of course, a camping tent!
A camping tent is an absolute necessity if you plan to halt at your camping site. Camping tents are versatile and, finding the right one from the masses can be pretty arduous. So, begin by narrowing down your options. Initially, make a quick choice between 3 and 4 season tents concerning the persisting climate. With the types, dome-style tents are preferable for stormy nights as they have wind-shielding property. On the flip side, cabin tents are best for summers, especially if you are setting off camp with your family.
The next feature you will need to consider is the doors. Tents with zipper doors are resilient and durable. You can also consider tents with multiple doors for easy in and out movements.
Lastly, check out the poles- they determine how quick the installation can happen. If you are a beginner, free-standing tents are the best to place your bet on.
Outdoor Clothes
You might feel free to walk in and camp with your night clothes and PJs, but it is not how it is done! With campings clothes, the first factor to consider is the weather. Most camping and trekking sites are cold and have harsh weather. So, always remember to carry a few pairs of thermals and a lightweight jacket. You will need a waterproof jacket or a hoodie during monsoons or slightly wet weather.
If you are looking for quick-dry material, synthetic and mixed synthetic is the best choice. However, merino wool jackets are a sensible option if looking for a skin-friendly and breathable fabric. On the bottom line, you will need some thermal suits, a few jackets/hoods, a few pairs of camping socks and shoes.
Dry camping bags
You will have to swap your regular travel bags with a dry bag for camping. Dry bags are waterproof and can guard all your expensive valuables, even during extreme weather conditions. If you are carrying too many stocks, you can also choose a transparent dry bag to quickly access and locate things. Dry bags come in a variety of sizes to suit specific needs. For instance, you can find a compact, dry phone bag to a massive storage bag.
A first aid kit
You will find dedicated campings first aid kits, which are better to carry over the typical first aid bags. So, ensure that the camping first aid box contains all the basics- from butterfly bandages to gauze pads. Your kit must consist of anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-diarrhoeal drugs, sunburn relief creams or sunscreen.
Author: Steffy Alen