You are never prepared for a car accident, but when you are involved in one your thoughts race and you begin to worry about all of the details you now have to deal with. You may wonder what to do first, what information you need to get from the people involved, and you may need medical care if you suffer injuries. With your head spinning from all of the confusion it will be difficult to remain calm, cool, and collected but it’s necessary for you to remember as much as you can. You’ll be filing a claim for compensation later, so try to do your best to make mental notes of what is going on around you. Let’s take a look at some tips that can help you to work your way through a car accident.
Call for emergency help immediately if you or someone at the scene is visibly injured. Try to remain calm, stay out of the oncoming traffic around your accident, and also call the police so they can clear the vehicles for movement away from the roadway and begin their investigation of the accident. One of the first important details that you can remember as suggested by the experts at is to write down the police officer’s collar number so that you or your solicitor can contact them for their report of your accident.
Begin to gather information that you think you will need later. This should include the names and contact information of everyone involved in the crash, any witnesses who were present when the accident happened, and the weather conditions at the time of the event. Jot these notes down on something that you can use later to enter into an accident journal where you will keep all pertinent information.
The professionals at also recommend that you use your mobile phone to take pictures of any damage that has occurred. Without putting yourself at risk, try to get a picture of where the cars came to a stop and any other pictures that you think would be helpful. Remember to watch out for traffic that is trying to get around you so that you won’t cause another accident or become injured in the aftermath of your own accident.
After the dust has settled, you should contact a solicitor who has experience in dealing with car accidents and the claims that must be submitted. They can advise you about how much compensation you can receive and can also arrange a rental car for you to use if yours is totally damaged beyond use. They can help you with calculating the losses incurred due to the accident and will advise you about what to include on your claim form. Ask for their help if you have any questions and tell them when you need any legal terms explained. They will be ready to assist you through this challenging time in your life.