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The Admit Card for Class 10 and 12 of NIOS Board

The National Institute of Open Schooling commonly known as NIOS has already uploaded the admit cards for the upcoming exam which is going to be conducted in April-May 2017. The admit card has been published on its official website i.e. which the candidates can download online on or before the commencement of Senior Secondary Examinations. Candidates of all the streams which are Arts, Medical and Commerce who are continuing 12 class under National Open School Board are eligible to download their admit cards for appearing in the examination. Those candidates who will not carry their admit cards to the examination hall will not be allowed to appear for the exams.
The National Institute of Open Schooling conducts the Senior Secondary exam twice every year which is conducted in the months of April-May and October-November. Those candidates who all are appearing for the examinations should be aware that no candidate without the admit card will be allowed to appear in the examination as it is mandatory to be carried in order to appear for the examination. The admit card for all the subjects is same. No separate admit card for the various subjects will be issued irrespective of the fact that they are theory or practical exam.
How to download the admit card
In order to avoid mistakes while download the admit card for class 12th examinations, the step by step procedure for downloading the admit card of hall ticket has been provided below. Candidate under any stream appearing for class 12th examination in National Open School are required to download the admit card as no candidate without the admit card will be allowed to appear for the examinations which are being conducted. The candidates who all are appearing in the examination which are conducted by National Open School are advised to download the admit card online from the official website of National Open School. For doing so, the procedure is mentioned as-
First of all, the candidates are required to log on to the official website of National Open School which is After that, the candidate has to search for the “examination or result” section, where the candidate is required to click on the “Senior Secondary: Intimation or Hall Ticket for April-May Exams” tab
A new page will be opened in front of the candidate where the candidate will be asked to enter the 11 or 12 digits Roll number which will be required to access the NIOS admit card or hall ticket for the National Institute of Open Schooling Board 12th class Exams

  • Then the candidate will be asked about the security question that the candidate is required to answer in order to access the admit card.
  • Then the candidate is required to the click on submit button
  • Finally, the candidate will be made available with the admit card or hall ticket for the examination which candidate needs to take the print out of, in order to appear for the examinations

All the best for your exams!

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