Stratfor Global Intelligence is a geopolitical organization that helps you understand contentious international issues from multiple viewpoints. The organization provides its clients a wide range of services from online content licenses to personalized advisory services. The aim of this reputable geopolitical organization is provide their clients with critical insights on global issues that affect their business interests. It also educates them about the strategic decisions that need to be taken in response to such situations or issues. It also helps corporate enterprises recognize potential opportunities and minimize the risks involved.
A unique feature of this reputable geopolitical firm is StratforEnterprise Membership. The clients who are entitled to this exclusive membership get analytical reports on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. These analytical reports cater to the requirements of busy executives, fund managers and corporate investors. Apart from this, this global intelligence organization provides top quality services to academic and military institutions. The clients of this global intelligence organization are also entitled to have access to the enterprise portal.
This online portal provides its esteemed members with alerts, forecast and analysis reports. This enables the key stakeholders of this intelligence organization to be aware of important geopolitical developments taking place around the world. The enterprise members are also entitled to exclusive delivery of content reports that feature critical insights from senior analysts of Stratfor Global Intelligence.
This reputed global intelligence organization also issues a journal called Stratfor Compass. This journal caters to the needs of corporate executives and aids them in identifying potential business opportunities and minimizing risks. This is done by formulating effective strategies based on accurate and actionable intelligence reports. These reports also contain valuable forecasts that are necessary for evaluating the risk factors involved. The members of the Stratfor Enterprise are also entitled to white papers and internal Stratfor analyses on crucial and contentious geopolitical problems.
Stratfor Global Intelligence also organizes quarterly conference calls where organization’s clients get an opportunity to meet senior analysts. During these conferences a wide range of global issues are discussed that affect the interest of the clients. This geopolitical intelligence organization also issues intelligence alerts to its customers on global issues and situations that affect their business decisions. These clients are also entitled to customs report, open dialogue, risk assessment and tragedy sessions. This enables the members to take strategic decisions on their investments.
The advisory services provided by StratforGlobal Intelligence is specifically designed to aid their clients generate more revenue, minimize potential risks and resolve problems. The clients also have direct access to expert analysts, consultants and the intelligence apparatus at Stratfor via an engagement feature.
The professional analysts at Stratfor Global Intelligence help their clients recognize opportunities to invest in emerging markets and to minimize the risk in the process.
The observations and conclusions published by the Stratfor Global Intelligence team are impressive and the best you can get in today’s volatile global environment. Most of these observations cater to the specific needs of their clients around the world. Stratfor Global Intelligence is one of the foremost geopolitical firms that provide an accurate, unbiased, critical assessment of the global issues. This is why clients bank upon the organization for its strategic business decisions on a large scale!