Hong Kong Is highly populated city state in Asia and due to its low tax structure and political stable environment, it is very suitable for business growth and it is international financing and trading centre. So, business is very lucrative here and so Company formation in Hong Kong is highly demanding. After formation of company by fulfilling all criteria, you have to incorporate HK Company followed by registration of Company.
With public company registry of Hong Kong, it is possible to set up your Company via online services for public which gives implementations to the major part of ordinances of Companies. Actually the Companies Registry provides direction for private and public Company Registry of hongKong.Online Company register Hong Kong has links with many banks offshore so that the clients may open bank account with any bank they like. Online Companies for registry of public Company Hongkong uphold and control few laws which includes trustee ordinance, The Limited Partnership Ordinance and The Registered Trustees Incorporation Ordinance. The Registry office has got added responsibility of generating applications and pointing with licenses of cash loan specialist and keeping records in register of money lenders by cash for further investigations.
Public Companies Registry of Hong Kong also provides tax consultancy in offshore market. So, the Companies will provide best services to clients online, only clients have to fill up data required and rest services are provided by the Companies. So, you can set up your Company as fast as possible and you have to fill up your Questionaries’ online properly. So, public Company Registry will prepare your documents for your company and fill-up with institutions of state. You may receive your final Company documents via email or person in hand.
Hong Kong Company Registration fee implies packages of fee for consultation for registration of your international Company intended to set up in Hong Kong online. Law says each person starting Business in Hong Kong, has to register his company within one month of Starting business or he has to be fined or imprisoned. One may get issued certificate of registration for 1 year or 3 years. And after this period, it will be lapsed and you have to renew or it may be revoked by some other way. For 1 year certificate fees are for main business is approx. $ 2,600 and for branch business is $ 673.For 3 year certificate for main business, it is approx… $7,000 and for branch business, it is $1989