When papers are submitted to journals, weak papers published in a good journal is quite fluctuating conclusion. The weak papers do not possess the uniqueness of ideas that is to be implemented but couldn’t express on the paper. There is a hierarchy of journals followed by the scientists. This upper most layer is all about the best journals like ELK Asia Pacific Journals in any of the stream whereas the middle tier contains the numerous journals with descent feedback and their impact factor. The lower layer of the journals comprises of those journals that exist in the hundreds but their value is nothing. These journals are expensive, but possess an impact factor of 0-1. The good journals have their impact factor ranging from 2-4 whereas the uppermost layer journals have an impact factor of 5 or above. As the impact factor will increase the journal is that better.
Benefits of Peer review
Peer review is very important that the quality of the research paper that is going to be published in the journal is good. Some of the benefits are given below:
· Peer review provides an expert advice to improve the paper because initial submission and the final submission are two forms of paper. There are hundreds of changes that may come during the final submissions because the peer review not only provides the best advice, it also provides a powerful incentive to help the author in the best possible manner.
· Peer review increases the acceptance rate. The probability of paper acceptance becomes usually high after the suggestions and if these suggestions are followed properly. Experienced authors target the International Journal of Financein which their paper is valued the most and also completes the task with full efficiency.
· Now the point comes about the visibility of the journal. How prestigious the journal is, the journal pages are generally visited or provides high or low visibility to the paper published. This is an important point to consider while choosing the journal.
· The most important fact to be considered is their suggestions, make sure the suggestions and changes made in the paper are valid. Some of the journals just suggest the format changes, these changes are affordable because journal follows a specific format and format should be followed.