Law enforcement officers have been active ever since the progress began in the human civilization. They have been imposing some rules and regulations to help bind the society. Policing the people on moral and religious grounds had already started in the early days when the kings and queens used to sit on throne to administrate the society. They used to maintain a ministry of people holding responsibilities for managing and controlling the different sections of the society. The history maintains details of the appointment of the knights by the kings to conserve the peace and order in certain areas of the country.
Peace is the major concern which is needed to be maintained to make the people‘s lives smooth and successful. Any event of disturbance can destroy the structure of the society and affect the administration too. These knights have been known as the guardian or the conservator of peace. In the current period, they are known as the Justice of the Peace. In the early days of the industrial revolution, this special section of the administrative rule or the guardians of peace were termed as the squirearchy.
Justice of Peace is very much a part of British administrative ruling system and it has inspired several countries too to appoint someone to maintain the law and order. In the past as well as in the present situation, the person holds the office on unpaid basis or voluntarily. For miscellaneous types of criminal cases, they were responsible for making suitable arrangements. They used to take care of the wages and undertook responsibilities for construction of the roads and bridges.
As sanctioned by the administrative head during the king’s rule, they had the supervisory power to maintain these services. In the past, this responsible post was assigned to a male and later on in 1919, women also started taking on the duty of Justice of the Peace.
The countries like USA, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, Sri Lanka and New Zealand all appoint Justice of the Peace and discharges different functions or responsibilities or duties. Within Australia, every state’s Justice of the Peace has unique responsibilities. There are numerous law firms in Australia who are maintaining Justice of the Peace services for discharging legal responsibilities which are applicable in the particular area.
One of the reputed Law firms in Australia is New Way Lawyers. New Way Justice of the Peace Brisbane is specifically appointed to look after issues of the people who are citizens of Brisbane. This family law firm runs on a non profitable basis and therefore, it is not obliged to pay any percentage of profit to any person. The law firm follows the path of equality which relates to the fact that every case of the any person is attended to with same quality of care and dignity. The employees of this organization know how to maintain professional ethics and dealing the person’s issues with empathy.
Justice of the Peace Brisbane has to qualify through the procedure of an eligibility exam. It is because; this city falls in state of Queensland where rule of qualifying for Justice of the Peace is applicable for anyone. Whereas, in Victoria, one qualifies through the criteria of maintaining good character and it is seen as just. A Justice of the Peace cannot act in concern with a document which is to be used in another country.
To become a Justice of the Peace in Brisbane you must:
- be an Australian citizen
- be at least 18 years old
- be of good character
- be registered on the Queensland electoral roll
- Have completed the relevant training–Course in Providing Community Justice Services (Commissioner for Declarations) (Justice of the Peace [Qualified]).
Justice of Peace Brisbane is taking care of the issues like certifying true copies, witnessing statutory declarations and affidavits. To use the services offered by the Justice of the Peace Brisbane, one needs to disclose his or her photo identification proof.