Through the classically American spirit of innovation, Le-Vel, a newly emerged but top provider of healthy lifestyle products, has impacted and elevated the field of direct sales in ways that no other company has ever been able to achieve. First and foremost, the company has proven that employing cloud-based technology is truly the path of the future for the successful companies of today.
When Paul Gravette and Jason Camper first conceived and then launched Le-Vel in 2012, they quickly realized the vast benefits of designing and utilizing a cloud-based platform instead of depending upon a physical facility for its daily operations. As one example of the superiority of a cloud-based platform, they soon realized that cloud technology is ideal in helping to boost worker productivity. Use of the cloud has also assisted in minimizing the company’s overhead, including corporate offices, staffing, and management, to such a great degree that the company has been able to place and invest even more of its resources toward customer acquisition as well as continuing the expansion of the development of its top-quality THRIVE product line. Thanks to this advanced technology, Le-Vel has also been able to offer an attractive and generous rewards compensation plan that has enabled it to dramatically increase the size and number of its independent sales teams, also commonly referred to as Brand Promoters.
However, the cloud technology invented and implemented by Le-Vel is only one aspect of the increasing prosperity of this young company. When Paul Gravette and Jason Camper first visualized Le-Vel, their objectives were to create and establish a global brand that would change the lives of individuals for the better (both physically and mentally), to become world-renowned and globally respected, and to ultimately influence and contribute to a positive and lasting shift in the health and wellness landscape. The founders’ ability to envision beyond the line of products to its greater holistic purpose has lifted it to new heights in the highly competitive nutrition industry, at a time when being health conscious is becoming a major priority in the minds of the average person who is being overworked and regularly stressed out.
It should come as no surprise that Le-Vel has experienced tremendous success with its popular THRIVE product line. Its products were particularly designed to work in unison in order to deliver optimal results in such important health and wellness areas, such as weight management and lean muscle support, along with improving cognitive performance and improved mood and emotional well-being. THRIVE is formulated for people who are seeking to reach the ultimate daily lifestyle that enables them to look and feel better than ever before. These products assist in a broad range of health areas, from helping people with the calming of aches and discomforts, to joint support and weight management, to providing better mental acuity and enhanced mood. The products also help people by improving their daily workout regimen or exercise routines, and make it possible for them to enjoy increased immune support and digestive support.
Part of the excitement and fun of the Le-Vel culture is the creation and promotion of the THRIVE Experience. By encouraging new customers to try the foundational line of products for eight weeks, new users have been delighted to discover renewed vigor and strength, as well as being able to think clear and respond more promptly to mental challenges and tasks. By combining their daily premium multivitamin capsules (THRIVE | M for men or THRIVE | W for women), along with their incredibly powerful and delicious shake drink (chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry, your choice), and their proprietary and effective THRIVE | DFT (derma fusion technology) skin application, people are now finding themselves better grounded as well as tending to thrive in even the most challenging situations.
The passion that compels Le-Vel has remained strong and focused since the formal introduction of the company in 2012, and this zeal will continue to drive the development of new value-added, health and lifestyle products in the many exciting years to come.
TAGS: cloud platform