Whether you decide to have your energy management services outsourced or handle them in-house, there are some kinds of issues you will have to take into consideration. The key area in which energy services might be required will comprise getting an external energy management consultant or energy manager. As a component of the hiring process, you will have to obtain answers to the following questions;
- What basic impressions does the provider have as regards your organization and its mode of operations? You should pay attention to what they are seeing.
- Does the provider have an excellent level of knowledge as regards energy standards and codes?
- Is the provider familiar with options of energy efficiency financing? Which are the options that are available to your organization when it comes to Field service management software?
- Does the provider know about tariff conditions and electric rate schedules?
- What procedures would the provider recommend that you use in conducting an internal analysis of your entire organization?
- What experience does the provider have when it comes to economic analysis including benefit/cost analysis, cost avoidance, cost-effectiveness, time value of money, and cost of delay?
- Is the provider ready to guarantee that the kind of savings that your organization is going obtain will be sufficient to pay for his services?
- What procedures does the provider use in gauging outcomes?
- Can the provider offer energy efficiency training to your O and M personnel?
- How frequently will the provider be communicating with you, and what kind of communication would it be?
- How much will hiring new staff or/and employee training cost? Why does this particular consultant feel that he can do a much better job for you?
In conclusion, these are the foremost questions you should seek answers to when out to hire a provider of energy management services. An excellent idea is creating an energy manager position for 10% of your energy bills.