Farming animals is honestly one of the most complicated processes. Although people like to boast about it saying that animals take care of themselves, it is much more fascinating and involving than anyone gives it credit for. The most common animals to be farmed are the domestic ones like goats, cows, pigs and chicks. Each of them Chicken Coop requires a different process for the vital growth of the animals.
In this vein, today this article will talk about the bedding required for farming chicken, which are called the chicken coops. In simple terms, it refers to the home for chicken or even a cage, but its nature, uses, types and needs are necessary to learn before thinking about chicken farming. Hopefully, by the end of this article the readers will be educated about them through the basic information to find the best coop for one’s chicken. So let’s get this started.
What are Chicken Coops?
Chicken Coop are simply a home for the chicken or for other birds, where they can live when they aren’t wandering. It works as a protective space so that they can rest and sleep as well as lay eggs in a safe space. This can also include a built platform for them to eat and drink in.
Chickens need protection from both the weather and predators when they return home in the evening. The coop not only provides that protection but also makes it easier for one to keep track of the eggs laid. It also includes a chicken run for them to play, walk within, and exit in a way that doesn’t make them feel trapped.
A coop should ideally provide a space of 2-3 square feet, including the height of the box for them to roost as they often do. This is all it can do, in simple terms but its features have to be considered still.
What to Consider Before Building/Buying a Chicken Coop?
- Repurposing Old things
As can be the case for building other manual tools on a small scale, construction of coops can benefit a lot from repurposing old things. This can apply to minor things such as their food plates or boxes to work as compartments, especially for laying eggs. If there is really some useful material, one can build the door of the coop or a fence around it to make way for the chicken.
- Mobility
If there’s one thing that these little birds like to do, is to run and move around. They even get restless while laying eggs, so it is imperative that the mobility for them is arranged. And this isn’t just the case for mobility inside the coop, a coop in itself can be mobile now. With the help of wheels, a mobile coop is smarter than a normal coop. It allows the owners to better shift the coop weekly or just to bring all the chicken close to their resting place.
- Ease Of Cleaning
When all the chickens leave their nests in the morning, they leave a lot of feces to clean. This can be fine on the ground as it can eventually be decomposed or one can just move the coop to another ground.
But inside the nests there’s still a problem, even more so when hens can lay their eggs there. This doesn’t just smell bad, but can also cause health problems in them. The best solution to this is having a removable plastic mat that can be removed and changed on a daily basis.
- Moisture Control
Moisture Control for coops means that their place should be decided in check with the weather. If one keeps them out in heavy rains or winter, chicken can fall sick with ease.
Author Name: Hannah Gilbert