In today’s scenario schools and colleges are growing in a rapid speed. When it comes to count there are number of schools present in every nook and corner of an area. They may or may not fulfill the right guidelines of the education board but they seems to impress local people for their money making market. They are able to bribe these people for the future of their child with bare minimum facilities and poor education. They not only ruin your child future but also stole your money for only benefiting themselves and not societies.
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Now a days world has shifted more towards technical advancements and changed to multi-fold and we need to keep pace with this, ever changing world. This is 20th century , a technical century where we have to grow along with them. Then why should these schools work in an old fashioned manner with poor facilities of manual entry of each student in their dust folded registers and low grade education.
Every child has to be updated with the every growing technical changes of this world so that he is being prepared to compete with fellow beings. Schools should be updated with the new advancements in teaching , new technologies must be adopted and good teachers with better educations. All these are basic requirement of a student and must be given to them.