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5 Methods That Could Be Utilized For Bathymetric Surveys

hydrographic survey companies

Bathymetric surveys, often carried out by hydrographic survey companies, enable us to gauge a water body’s depth and to also map all of its underwater features. Several methods can be used for the survey;

  1. Multi-beam surveying: A multi-beam echo sounder that’s attached to a boat sends a wide array of beams out across a ‘swath’ of the floor of the water body. As the beams get bounced back from the waterbody’s floor, obtained data is then collected and processed. The data that’s been processed can then be viewed in real-time on a boat during the survey. This surveying method is generally undertaken in larger bodies of water.
  2. Single-beam surveying: Instead of sending a wide set of beams out, the single-beam bathymetric method gauges the depth of water directly underneath the boat. The best hydrographic survey companies generally use this method of bathymetric surveying in smaller bodies of water.
  3. Sub-bottom profilers: These are most commonly utilized to view the layers of rocks and sediment that are under the floor of the water body. The data that’s returned from the sound waves could be mapped to display the layers that are beneath the floor of the water body.
  4. Ecomapper autonomous underwater vehicle: This vehicle is capable of gathering detailed bathymetric data, right down to one-foot contours, in areas and locations that are challenging to access with boats. The Ecomapper utilizes a Doppler velocity log as well as side-scan sonar.
  5. ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler): These are utilized all through USGS to gauge steamflow. ADCPs gauge water velocity via the transmission of sound waves that are reflected off sediment and other varying materials inside the water. Data that’s gathered from ADCPs could then be utilized for bathymetric mapping.

In conclusion, these are the five foremost methods that the foremost hydrographic survey companies use for bathymetric surveys. The surveys are greatly utilized in a wide array of varying valuable surveys. The information that has been offered here would help you in choosing the method that will serve your purpose the most.

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