The age old science of astrology is not just limited to palmistry and horoscope reading but goes much beyond that. Astrology touches almost each and every aspect of our lives whether professional or personal. Some useful tips dished out by astrologer in Singapore and world-over for making a marriage survive are discussed in this post.
These days it has become a common phenomenon to hear or witness marriages crumbling down. And this is not the case with people who have got married recently. Individuals who have been married for a decade or more also are increasingly opting to separate from their spouses. Due to this the institution of marriage has come under a scanner with more and more people refusing to believe in it. However, as absurd as it may sound, but astrology has, some tips to save a marriage from breaking down. Let us see what these tips are.
For people with a ‘sour’ tongue
Many people tend to sound rude and arrogant while interacting with their respective spouse. This could be because that person may have a ‘vani dosh’ in his horoscope. People with such an attribute should make a conscious effort to say the right things at the right time. Instead of saying anything hurtful or sarcastic to your partner, be gentle and mind your words. They will go a long way in harmonising your relationship. Learn to appreciate your spouse instead of criticising him or her. However, to correct this dosha from the inside, you can consult an astrologer for the rightful remedies.
Effects of Rahu
Rahu has a major role to play in your personal life. Hence, if the Rahu in your patri is giving you some sort of trouble, there are certain things which you can follow:
• Donate medicines to the needy people;
• Do pranayama on a regular basis, as Rahu is believed to deplete oxygen from your body. Therefore it is important that you maintain consistent level of oxygen in your body which you can get through pranayama;
• If marital problems have started rising after the birth of your child, then either spouse can throw small pieces of silver in flowing water at least once in a month;
• Avoid wearing the colour blue; or
• Engage in meditation. Imagine a white dot and try focusing on that or keep quiet and just observe your heartbeats.
General Tips
Besides these tips, there are some general tips also which you can try and practice. Like for instance, cutting down the consumption of salt on every Friday at least for a year is believed to bring in relief to your domestic problems. Always keep your house bright and well illuminated so as to ward off any negative energy and so on. Also, check your house and make sure it is Vaastu compliant. Vastu house brings in positive energy into the house which can further help the couples in avoiding the negativity that may enter their lives.
Owing to the sudden rise in the number of divorce cases in countries like Singapore, Malaysia, India and many other places, many people are consulting an astrologer in Singapore and world-over to provide them guidance in their personal lives.