Whether you want to save a few dollars or hoping to have an impact on the planet, reducing your energy use will help you make it right for either.
Cool weather is the start of beautiful days, but unfortunate side effects of higher energy bills and heating costs also come along. Especially in regions where temperature shifts are extreme, utility bills can become the most expensive component. A survey of R-Control with renters declared utilities as the biggest monthly expense, following third position after groceries and monthly rent.
Unwanted money management problems can certainly cause headaches, but then problems don’t come without solutions! You can use these tips and reduce energy consumption – and maintain a comfortable temperature environment in your home:
Energy Saving Tip # 1
Use the Heat of Sun – The charm of the winter is set as a bright orb in the sky for a reason, nature knows how to control the temperature. You should focus on this as well. Let the curtains stay open for south facing windows during the day; the heat will find its passage. You can close your window coverings when the sun waves good bye.
Energy Saving Tip #2
Pull Over Warmer Accessories – An easier but conventional way of saving on energy bills. Wear winter sweaters and socks to keep yourself warm instead of turning up the heat. Throw blankets are a great way of feeling comfortable on the couch.
Energy Saving Tip #3
Ceiling Fans Are Good – Better ventilation in homes can make them more energy efficient during both summer and winter. If your home has ceiling fans, you have a better control of ventilation. Ceiling fans are a great choice for strategically achieving better airflow: counter-clockwise pushes hot air up during summer and clockwise traps heat inside and keeps room warmer during winters. Keep your fan speed low so it can push hot air back down.
Energy Saving Tip # 4
Thermostat Adjustment at Night – Whether U.S. Department of Energy declares it or otherwise, turning your thermostat down to 10 or 15 degrees can help you save up on your heating bills. A warm comforter can be the warm help for such cooler nights.
Energy Saving Tip # 5
Heat Only the Rooms in Use – If you have rooms in your home that you don’t use and are spare for guest room purpose, close and seal off the vents in these to make your home more energy efficient and allow an efficient flow of air in the ones in use. Energy bill on average is $183/month, by placing a space heater in the room where you only need and by setting the thermostat to 62 degrees, you can save approximately $200 each year.
Energy Saving Tip # 6
Keep The Furnace Clean and Unblocked – Keeping all the furnaces and vents clean and maintained can help you reduce energy consumption. Check the furnace every month and change the filter when required.
Energy Saving Tip # 7
Invest in a Humidifier for Adding Moisture in Air – Air inside your home can become dry due to heating vents. Add a humidifier which will make the air moist and moisture in air feels warmer. Humidifier makes you feel comfortable, while some plants can also help increase humidity in your home.
Energy Saving Tip # 8
Invest in Insulation – Hundreds and thousands of dollars can go wasted every year because of improper insulations in homes. Let the heat stay in and the cold air circulate by investing in inexpensive SIPs from R-Control and let them cover up those areas from where the heat escapes. Discuss and let them assist you with finding cheap and easy to apply insulation panels.