Every new day brings new advancement in the field of medical science. Indian healthcare scenario has dynamically changed over the years. There is best heart hospital in Bangalore a constant increase in the number of multi-speciality and speciality hospitals, owing to the country’s high population.
Common heart conditions include Coronary heart disease, angina, myocardial infarction or heart attack, cardiac failure, arrhythmia, and valve diseases.
In some cases, these heart conditions can be congenital or genetically predisposed.
If you are at risk of developing these conditions, it is better to get checked at the best heart hospital in Bangalore, Chennai or any other metro city since the facilities are more multi fold there than the tier 2 cities.
Cardiology is one such speciality, which is immensely significant. Poor eating habits, stress, and a sedentary lifestyle is taking a toll on our health and well being, and we are highly prone to heart ailments. Over 50 billion Indian patients are suffering from heart ailments. Heart disease is the leading cause of death across the globe.
7 Tips for a healthy heart
Prevention is better than cure!
Small lifestyle modifications can bring a drastic improvement in health. Here’s a list of lifestyle modifications that one can consider to keep the heart-healthy. These tips will also help minimise the risk of heart diseases.
1.Healthy eating
You are what you eat!
Diet plays a crucial role in coronary heart diseases. A diet high in saturated fats can trigger heart issues, so it is essential to have a balanced diet that is low in saturated fat, rich in fibre. According to research, a plant-based diet can cut down the risk of heart diseases substantially.
2.Physical activity
Physically active individuals are at a lower risk of disease and illnesses. You must spend at least 30-40 minutes of time for physical activity every day.
This can be cycling, Zumba, aerobics, jump rope depending on the preferences. When done regularly and consistently, this physical activity strengthens the heart muscles and improves blood circulation.
Physical activity has shown phenomenal results in individuals suffering from coronary heart disease; however, vigorous aerobic exercise may not be safe for them: professional advice is mandatory.
3.Have a healthy weight
People who are overweight or obese have a high chance of acquiring heart disease when compared to individuals with normal weight.
Bodyweight alters the functioning of the heart; excess weight makes it harder for the heart to pump and circulate the blood to other parts of the body. This weakens the heart muscles.
So, it is essential to maintain a healthy weight along with the right diet. Weight loss can lead to a significant improvement in heart, and vascular health lowers blood pressure and helps in increasing the metabolism.
4.Do not smoke and stay away from second hand smoke
Smoking and exposure to second hand smoke are one of the prime causes of heart disease.
Smoking raises triglycerides and lowers good cholesterol, increasing plaque buildup in arteries. It is also responsible for the thickening and constriction of blood vessels in the heart.
Non smokers exposed to second hand smoke at home or work have a likelihood of developing heart disease by 25–30%. Smoking also increases the risk of stroke. Quit smoking for a better tomorrow!
5.Control your cholesterol and blood pressure
High blood pressure and cholesterol might result in heart diseases. High cholesterol leads to plaque formation in the arteries and is responsible for coronary heart disease and peripheral artery disease. High cholesterol makes the heart pump harder and triggers blood pressure.
So it is critical to maintaining a normal cholesterol level and blood pressure for a healthy heart.
6.Drinking alcohol only in moderation
Moderation is the key! Excessive alcohol consumption is linked to an increased risk of heart disease. It can also lead to a condition called alcoholic cardiomyopathy; excessive alcohol elevates the blood pressures that trigger heart issues.
It is always advised to limit alcohol consumption.
7.Managing stress
Our modern lifestyle and rapid living have impacted our physical and mental well being. Stress is a significant factor that is responsible for heart diseases.
It is important to manage stress by incorporating stress-relieving activity into your routine. Meditation, yoga, gratitude journaling are certain ways by which one can combat stress.
The bottom line
Regular health checks can help in the early detection and treatment of diseases. It is recommended to go to the best heart hospital in Bangalore or other metro cities.
If you’re considering a speciality hospital for your health check-ups and evaluation, certain factors like accessibility, quality of treatment, success rate, infrastructure, and technological advancements are to be considered while choosing the hospital.