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7 Common Myths about Liposuction You Should Stop Believing

Surgical procedures are the one thing that comes to your mind while you are tired of diet and exercise. These fat removal surgical procedures have remained in demand for quite a long time. This is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures but have you ever wondered what is it actually about?

Let’s explore it further!

What is liposuction?

It is a fat-removal procedure that targets the fat pockets present in the body. The body fat is removed by inserting a hollow cannula in the relevant part and fat is sucked via a high-pressure vacuum.

The procedure is commonly performed to get rid of stubborn fat deposits. The removal of the body via this procedure is limited to a certain extent.

But just like any other medical procedure, the practice of liposuction is also surrounded by many misconceptions. This false information can affect a person’s perception for all bad reasons. I remember a friend of mine who went to a renowned plastic surgeon in Islamabad for liposuction. Hearing about all the information from all and sundry, he had many questions in his mind.

But thank god, his physician Maryam hospital Islamabad cleared his doubts and confusions and he went through a successful procedure.

Common Myths about Liposuction

I feel it is really important to clear these myths and misconceptions about liposuction. If you’re deciding on liposuction, this article will surely help you to make an informed decision. Let’s begin with these misconceptions!

 1- Liposuction is a weight loss procedure!

First thing you should know about liposuction is that it’s not a weight-loss procedure. Instead, this is a practice optimized to cut fat from particular areas in your body. Most of the people who went through the procedure, hardly lose 1-2 kg of weight.

2- Cellulite can be cured with liposuction

Not! Let me explain why. Cellulite is the dimple-looking skin caused by the pushing of connective tissue by subcutaneous fat. Cellulite is not just the fat pocket, instead they are caused by the subcutaneous tissues so liposuction can’t treat it.

3- Liposuction is only for women!

Well, there is no truth behind the claim as liposuction has nothing to do with your gender. Although, more women tend to get benefit from liposuction, males can also get the advantage of it. However, the target areas for men and women can be different.

4- Liposuction can be the trick for your belly fat

Again, you need to understand the difference between visceral and subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is usually present below the skin and above the muscles. However, visceral fat is present beneath the muscle. Liposuction can only work against subcutaneous fat and as belly fat is visceral, so you can’t tackle belly fat with liposuction.

5- Liposuction results are permanent

It is commonly believed that because liposuction is the surgical removal of fat from your body, the results are permanent. Here, you need to understand how fat is formed in our body. When we eat more calories than our body requires, our body tends to store those extra calories as fat cells.

No matter how much fat is removed from your body you can still get fat (but that depends upon you). You old fat won’t come back but your body can store new fat cells if you will eat more than your required calories.

6- I’ll have loose skin after liposuction

It is the most common perception that your skin will become loose after liposuction. Although your skin has elastic properties your skin can recoil to some extent. So, after liposuction, your skin will come back to the thinner contours. To lose your skin elasticity, you need to lose a large amount of fat that is not possible with liposuction.

7- Liposuction will shift my fat cells to other areas of my body

This is completely wrong! Let me explain. Liposuction removes the existing fat cells from your body rather than transferring it to other parts of the body. Further, it doesn’t start your body fat making mechanism. Technically, your body will not be able to make new fat cells after liposuction and it’s only your food habits that can make it do so.

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