Whatever we eat or drink directly affects the cholesterol levels of our body be it for good or for worse. Bad cholesterol levels of our body can lead to several health issues one of the most serious ones being the heart health.
Once you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol the first that one does is to strictly consume the prescribed medication recommended by the doctor to reduce cholesterol.
You might have came across the suggestion of healthy diet or healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss. But do you know even your basic food habits can increase the levels of bad cholesterol in your body?
Therefore it is very important that we are well aware about our food habits as well as know what foods can raise the cholesterol levels in our body.
We are here to help you as we have listed out the top 5 foods that we bet you didn’t know could raise the cholesterol levels in the body.
Take a look at the 5 Surprising Foods that may raise your Cholesterol:
· Whole fat dairy products are rich in calcium, nutrients, vitamins but do you know they are also high in saturated fat. So if you wish to enjoy the health benefits of dairy products then opt for the low fat and no cream dairy products to avoid the bad cholesterol.
· Eggs are a rich source of calcium but the yolk of the egg is high in saturated fat. So choose for the egg whites to get the best health benefits instead of the whole egg.
· Nuts are known as the best heart health foods but they are also high in the saturated fat so get the best health benefits from nuts by eating them in moderation.
· Did you know ice creams contain more saturated fat than 5-10 doughnuts put together? So if you wish to curb those sweet cravings opt for the low fat yoghurt dessert option popularly known as the gelatos.
· Are you a sea food lover then you are probably indulging yourself in high fat food. Yes, because sea food is packed with high cholesterol so if you have heart health issues then its time you avoid eating sea food.
The best way to deal with the cholesterol issues is by choosing for a healthy lifestyle and opting for some basic fitness routines.
An everyday workout of at least 30-40 mins can help in reducing the bad cholesterol levels of your body.
There are many fitness routines for beginners at working out like:
· Walking for at least 20-30 mins every day can help in reducing the high cholesterol
· Jogging for 15-20 mins can improve your overall health
· Playing any sport that you like for example tennis, badminton or even cricket is highly recommended if you want to reduce your cholesterol levels naturally
· Swimming for 20 mins every day can improve your heart health without any medication
· Or you can even try biking or cycling your way to the work instead of using your car
So before you blindly follow the route of medicines to improve the cholesterol levels in your body try making some dietary and lifestyle changes for the same.
Check out the low carb vegetarian recipes