Scientists, by their nature, continuously learn. Science evolves as people research and study a subject over and over again. Items known or suspected in the past get put into perspective as current studies discover new findings. This can sometimes cause whiplash in the public domain. Nowhere is this confusion over what’s scientifically sound more profound than in the medical field. These three mind-blowing scientific discoveries promise to excite the debate over testosterone therapy even more than it already is.
3. Untreated Low Testosterone Men Are More Likely to Suffer Bone Loss
One of the strangest recent discoveries’ come from the Journal of Bone and Medical Research. This study found that men with untreated low testosterone are more likely to suffer from falls and spills than treated men. The study found that due to testosterone’s effects on bone growth and development, men with low testosterone often have weaker and frailer bones than their counterparts. Once men were placed on a testosterone treatment program, they showed a decreased likelihood of falling or slipping. This correlates to the hormone’s effects on bone density — clearly affecting the strength of the bones.
2. Heart Attack More Likely in Men with Low Testosterone
The purpose of testosterone is not solely related to gender and sex. It is also responsible for responsible for the development of muscle growth, bone density, and blood circulation. Researchers found that in men with low testosterone, their likelihood of having coronary artery plaque build-up was significantly greater than men with average and heightened levels of testosterone.
They also found that low testosterone’s effects on the circulatory system and on muscles, affects the functions of the heart and other organs. Since the heart is essentially just a concentrated ball of muscle, with low testosterone, it weakens and shrinks in size. Heart disease is already on the rise in the US and part of that may be attributed to low testosterone in our aging men. There may be a significant benefit in this finding, and it bears further research.
1. Testosterone Treatment is Not Linked to Cancer
A significant argument against testosterone treatment is the belief that this treatment increases the risk of cancer. Researchers at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center have studied the growing rumor: the correlation between testosterone treatment and cancer.
They found that not only wasn’t there a legitimate correlation between cancer and testosterone treatment, but that the origin of the rumor itself was attributed to a discredited veterinarian. Medical researchers found that cancer risks were not related to testosterone treatment. Rather, those with higher levels of testosterone were more likely to not suffer from growing cancer concerns.
The FDA-approved uses for low T treatments are limited and are appropriately slow to adapt to these new discoveries in order to allow for proper science. Recent studies on the subject show promise in the field of hormone therapy. Further research is needed to collaborate these findings.