Operating inbound call center is considered to be a tough job. Running an inbound customer care center without the right software tool is impossible. The edge of technological features is relevant while operating inbound call centers because the software applications are the only tool to evaluate the predominant areas and triggering a market revolution for an organization.
Here, are 5 lesser known call center software tools briefly explained below.
- Automatic Call Distributor: Also known as ACD is regarded to be the top-priority software tool for inbound contact centers. This software tool is usually used to route customer calls to a pre-defined department within the call center if the problem is critical or to an agent who is adept at handling the situation proficiently. Moreover, ACD is equally capable of handling other call center functionality and processes. Some of them are skill-based routing facility, monitoring call, acquisition of call metrics, and so on. This particular software is considered to be a significant tool for the various inbound contact center.
- Interactive Voice Response: Second most important software feature for any inbound contact center is Interactive Voice Response also known as IVR system. An advanced form of IVR allows customers to choose their own destination or department while calling an inbound service provider on a sequence of prompts. The call center managers are liable to record and install welcome messages for customers, menus, levels etc. or change it whenever necessary. The multi-level IVR or an advanced form of IVR system can be a life saver for busy reputed inbound call centers by routing calls to the desired agents or leaving a voicemail for a particular department.
- Skills based routing: Lastly the final software feature to make incoming calls an easy job is skills based routing. Almost similar to ACD, this software tool enables the facility to route customer calls to the most suitable agent which is particularly based on the customer’s IVR selections. Routing skilled-based incoming calls are an essential part of a busy inbound contact center that assures and is customized to route callers to the best call representatives based on a number of significant paradigms.
- Customized line of calls: Every veteran call center managers are aware of the fact that due to high call-volume call queues are likely to happen. In order to improve customer’s satisfaction, they are supposed to configure their line of calls accordingly. The methodology to queue call in an efficient way is to determine those calls separately for each department to reduce the headache of lineup call as much as possible.
- In-house CRM facility: For a very busy inbound call center routing calls to specialized agents is regarded to be a minimum feature to deliver top-tier customer service. Because the real fun actually begins when the agent receives the call. Therefore, in order to deliver exceptional customer service, upsell or cross-sell the call center consultant must have access to precise data and information about the customer. Competent inbound call centers that have in-house built in CRM facility is measured to be a paramount tool to help representatives get their task done at the right moment. Further to this, with the help of inbuilt CRM and improved caller ID, call center agents can seamlessly extract customer’s information such as phone number, email address, picture, company etc. no matter how many times the customer has called the contact center.
Running an inbound contact center is like searching the unconventional witch of technology. No matter how much efforts or modern equipment you put in you are likely to face its upside and downside equally. However, with the software application, the task becomes a bit simpler as the agents can identify and track the caller’s past history of calls. Moreover, with the real-time facility representatives are able to collect comprehensive information about the caller and regulate their approach accordingly to deliver high-quality customer gratification.