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A Helping Guide to Save Energy at Home

Are you worried about your energy bills and looking for the ways to save energy? In the present time, energy has become an unconditional necessity to maintain our lifestyle. However, energy is a limited resource and needs to be used carefully. Here are some of the most interesting facts about energy:

  • In a light bulb, only 10% of energy is used to create light and the rest 90% of its energy creates heat

  • From 2008 to 2030, world energy consumption is likely to increase above 55%

  • The pipes that transport gas to a number of homes in the UK would wrap around the planet more than four times

  • When Googling, the energy that it takes to conduct ten searches could power a 60-Watt light bulb for around three minutes

  • By 2050, solar power may account for the world’s main energy source of power

With the growing demand of energy, there has been a huge increase in the energy prices over the last few years. A large number of people are seeking the ways to reduce their energy bills and save money. Saving energy at home is not as difficult as it seems to be. There is a lot you can do to reduce your energy consumption. By making some simple changes, you can accomplish drastic reductions in your heating, cooling and electricity costs.

Save Energy at Home
Save Energy at Home

Some of the key advantages of saving energy at home include:

  • By becoming more energy-efficient, you can save a lot of money on your energy bills

  • Saving energy helps in reducing the impact on climate change

  • Less energy consumption cuts greenhouse gas emissions and results into reduced pollution

  • Saving energy results in reduced wastage of primary fuels like coal, gas, oil and uranium

  • By saving energy you can contribute towards reducing the contamination of air, land, and water in countries around the world

  • Energy efficiency can help in improving the economy

In order to reduce your energy consumption, it is vital to use the energy wisely. Some of the simple things that you can do to save energy are:

  • Walking or biking whenever require, instead of using an engine-dependant transport system

  • Dress for the temperature which means, keep your-self cozy by wearing proper woolen clothes to feel warm in winter. This will help to reduce the heating costs
  • Only heat or cool the rooms where you spend most of your time
  • Seal your doors and windows properly using curtains or blinds to block draughts and heat waves

  • Turn all the appliances, lights and other devices off when you don’t need them

  • Make sure that your home is properly insulated. Even an insulated ceiling can make a huge difference to your energy bills

  • Always buy energy-efficient appliances

All the above mentioned tips can help you to keep your energy bills down. For more energy saving tips, you can use the Extra Energy Contact Number. They are one of the leading energy suppliers in the UK, serving both residential and business customers at competitive rates.

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